Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pelosi, Reid and Barney are idiots and manipulators.

As I watch the democratic leadership spew falsehoods and misdirections and outright lies about the process behind this economic bail-out bill, I can't help but think it is over for this once great country.

I don't believe a word they say. I'd like the transcripts from the meetings. I'd like to read transcripts of all the phone calls. This was NOT a bi-partisan announcement - this was political grandstanding. I want to know what was said. If you want to know what was said, join me in an effort to force our politicians to give us TRUE transparency - a look into their personal conduct of business during these so-called 'negotiations'.

They are stupid, small people who don't understand the economy and don't understand history. They are all too willing to distort the truth to influence the sheep in this nation.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Biden Supports Federalism?

Biden made comments tonight after the debate, specifically saying that in Iraq, we needed local control and a smaller central government. Sounds to me like he supports federalism - the idea that big government is usually bad government. Yet, his running-mate advocates the biggest increase in the size of government in history. Obama is a socialist - and he's not even in the closet. He may have a fancy ivy-league degree, but he just doesn't understand the foundational principals of our government and economic systems. Our economy is in trouble, that's true, but it is the result of multiple causes, with many bad decisions made by hundreds of thousands of people. Hybrid systems, partially captialist and partially socialist, do NOT work. Newt said it best, "You can't be a capitalist on the way up and a socialist on the way down."

Too many children today - including Barak Obama it would seem - do not get taught the fundamental structure of our Republic - how it works, why it works the way it does, and the principals behind it.

Experience matters. McCain is a man who has a real history. He's NOT old politics, he has a visionary plan for the future and the experience, the connections and the personal integrity to perform well in the office of President.

Remember - Obama cannot ACTUALLY make us a socialist society, but his plans put us on that road and will absolutely, without question, destroy the economy of this country.

- Kevin

Thursday, September 4, 2008

McCain - It's more than being a POW.

John McCain was recently nominated as the Republican party's choice for President of the United States. They have gone to great lengths to ensure everyone knows about his resolve as a POW, his experience since the war, his family and his blah blah blah. What frustrates me the most is how little they actually talked about the best reason to vote for John - his actual policy ideas.

I recently had an opportunity to read up on John McCain's plans for the Nation, as well as Barack Obama's, and I'm astounded that the McCain camp's plan for the RNC has not included much on policy. Yes, it's true that Obama is slick, putting style and rhetoric above any real substance. Yes, it's true that Obama's ideas for the country would be a devastating blow to our economy and would leave us defenseless against the many people world-wide who hate us for our freedom. Anyone who understands economics can tell you what a terrible idea it is to increase taxes, to fully-fund any government hand-out program and to legitimize murders and terrorists by "meeting" with them. Anyone who understands moral theory or history can explain why putting moral decisions (like financially supporting others, determining the nature of human ritual or the type of education children receive) in the hands of a large, impersonal government is a terrible idea. This is why faith-based charitable efforts work and government agencies don't. People who participate MUST be interested and invested in the effort - not just paid by the government to administrate a program. But, I digress.

John's strength is NOT just his character. It is his intelligence, his ability to build bridges and the incredible plan he has for America that won my vote. Not his belief in God, not his pro-life stance, but his innovative and comprehensive plans for strengthening the dollar, reducing gas prices, developing alternative fuels, positioning America for security and prosperity in ways we haven't seen in our lifetimes.

Obama has a lot of promise for the future - but he needs to grow up, face reality and look up to a leader who could teach him how to really connect with the people he 'claims' to love.

We can't afford to think only of party. We must READ and UNDERSTAND the plans these candidates have for our future.

And now, as I write this, John McCain delivers again, not talking about his character and service as much as his plans for the nation and the reason they are the RIGHT plan.